Digitalized tools for dealing with the manuscripts

In order to effect the virtual reconstitution of Holy Trinity monastery library, it has been found necessary to develop (or redevelop) and to connect online computerised tools adapted for the analysis of manuscripts and the history of Greek manuscript libraries.

At the heart of this digitalized network is the online Pinakes: textes et manuscrits grecs database, which has been largely remodelled for the needs of the project (new version of Pinakes online March 2014) and which henceforward serves as a portal for Greek manuscripts.

This database has linked to it the specific tools required by the project (TEI module for manuscript cataloguing, tool for editing library inventories also in TEI – shortly available) as well as the  BVMM (Bibliothèque Virtuelle des Manuscrits Médiévaux), which serves as a bank of computerised images for the Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes (IRHT)

The database is also connected to other online resources dealing with Greek manuscripts through the setting-up of the Diktyon portal.